This series of work delves into the tragic story of Madhavi, a princess whose life becomes a series of transactions between her father, a spiritual guru, and a disciple. The disciple must gift his guru with 600 white horses with black ears, but when he turns to the king for help, the king offers his daughter instead.
Madhavi is married to various kings in exchange for the horses, revealing the commodification of her body and lack of agency in her life. Despite a blessing that restores her youth and virginity after each marriage, this "boon" serves to please the men in her life. By using symbols such as lilies, I highlight Madhavi's struggle against the backdrop of tradition and patriarchy, inviting reflection on women's roles and freedoms.
Ethereal Echoes (2024), photography triptych, 168 x 31 cm.
Wedding Flowers (2024), single channel video, 2 minutes 59 seconds.
Shattered (2023), photography diptych, 100 x 34 cm.